Wyatt's Musings

Excuse Me

Sept 21, 2019 | If you have to say “excuse me for saying this, but...” - I don’t need to hear it.
By the way, I’m having a great day.
Y’all have one , too.

Musings from Italy II

Musings from Italy II

Yesterday was an unexpected emotional day. The day before, Robert and I visited the American war cemetery and memorial. We had passed it many times on our way to Florence but never stopped. Like many parts of life, we don't always stop to hear the story.

But this time we did stop.

I did a painting and Robert walked around with Angel, the director of the park. Just as I was finishing, they walked up and Angel asked us if we would like to participate in the lowering of the flag. We were...

Musings from Italy

Musings from Italy

Tuscany has been my home for this past week and will be for a few more days. Roberto San Giovanni (Robert St. John) and I are leading a tour based on our book, An Italian Palate. My childhood understanding of Italy was through American movies, the music of accordions playing with mandolins, Sophia Loren, and Dean Martin. Maybe a little Pinocchio and Lady and the Tramp thrown in, too. It was a cartoon. My father was stationed in Northern Africa during WWII and would occasionally take a seat on plane flights to Italy as they supplied the...

Looking for Faces

Looking for Faces

Whether it's a doorknob or a grouping of summer cumulus clouds, we are looking for faces. We are created to connect with others. There is no human vacuum that does not seek to pull in others. Whether we know it or not, we are drawn. I believe this is as real as the law of physics.

We live in a society of masses and cry for solitude but I think what we really want is something genuine to prove we are not alone. Facial...

Save the MAC

Save the MAC

Why are the Arts important to us?

When we look back and want to understand cultures of the past, we frequently look to their Art to tell us who they were. What will be said of us? It is more than the human need to say who we are. It is an unspoken collective dialogue we have with each other. How we value that voice says what we are about as a people; you might say as a country.

I did not always feel it's importance. At first it was a private outpouring of how I felt: My...